Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hump Day.

Yes that's right, we're over the hump of our week and I'm here to tell you why I'm especially glad that this fact is true today. 

No, it's not simply because we're 60% done with the week, or even the fact that I'm done with class for the week (No Thursday night class!)....the real reason (reasons, rather) for the countdown, is pictured below....

                                                              My nieces, Lucy and Paige!

                                                                  Photo cred, Bro Paul

In addition to seeing these cuties, I am also going to get to see my whole immediate family throughout the span of the weekend, while we celebrate in southwest Minnesota with my cousin Michael as he marries his awesome soon-to-be wife, Abby (hope to have pics to follow!).

I'm hoping this weekend will include a few key things...lots of good convos with my sibs, parents, and relatives, as well as some much needed play and snuggle time with my two favorite little ladies (whom, I hope to write more about in future posts!)

Can't wait to see everybody, sometimes Chicago just seems a liiiittle too far away from my WI and MN peeps--this weekend should provide a good fix to that problem!

Hope I can keep the blogging up as I travel?!


  1. lucy is HUGE! holy toledo, she is beautiful. and say nothing of that baby paige-cutey patoooty.

    have fun with the family, and those two girlies, this weekend!

    love, maryalice

  2. We are looking forward to seeing you too! Love, Paige and Lucy
